The Space Between Hours

I have two shows of new video installations coming up in the next few weeks. The first is The Space Between Hours at Diego Rivera Gallery at San Francisco Art Institute, 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco. The show will be up July 26-31, with an opening reception on Tuesday, July 28 from 5-7pm (artist talk at 4:30pm).

The show is with Emily Terhune Korson and Elizabeth Pedinotti. All of the work is autobiographical in some way, and explores our ability or inability to fully experience and remember moments in our lives. My piece Breakfast is the first public installation of an ongoing project to record one minute of my family's breakfast every day. The piece in the Diego Gallery includes five seconds of each day of the first seven months of this year, projected onto a mylar sheet hanging from the gallery's 50-foot ceiling.

I'm not sure how many other opportunities I'll have to show my work in the same gallery as a Diego Rivera mural.